
public interface MDSLookupService

This service allows executing lookups on entities given their classes or class names and lookup names as Strings. Allows generic access to any entity in MDS. This is just a facade and all data access goes through the underlying data service. EUDE can be identified either by their fully qualified class name (eg: “org.motechproject.mds.entity.Patient”) or by their entity name (eg: “Patient”)



long count(Class entityClass, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves a total number of instances, that match the specified lookup parameters, for the given lookup and entity. This will fail if specified lookup parameters do not match the lookup definition or if the lookup of given name is not specified for the given entity.

  • entityClass – entity class
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup

number of instances


long count(String entityClassName, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves a total number of instances, that match the specified lookup parameters, for the given lookup and entity class name. This will fail if specified lookup parameters do not match the lookup definition or if the lookup of given name is not specified for the given entity.

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup

number of instances


long countAll(Class entityClass)

Retrieves a total number of instances, for the given entity class.

  • entityClass – entity class

number of instances


long countAll(String entityClassName)

Retrieves a total number of instances, for the given entity class name.

  • entityClassName – entity class name

number of instances


<T> List<T> findMany(Class<T> entityClass, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves and executes multi-return lookup for the given entity class, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity.

  • entityClass – entity class
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • <T> – entity class

collection of instances, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> List<T> findMany(String entityClassName, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves and executes multi-return lookup for the given entity class name, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity.

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • <T> – entity class

collection of instances, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> List<T> findMany(Class<T> entityClass, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams, QueryParams queryParams)

Retrieves and executes multi-return lookup for the given entity class, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity. This version additionally allows to use query parameters, to adjust retrieved instances (eg. limit their number).

  • entityClass – entity class
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • queryParams – parameters to use, retrieving the instances
  • <T> – entity class

collection of instances, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> List<T> findMany(String entityClassName, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams, QueryParams queryParams)

Retrieves and executes multi-return lookup for the given entity class name, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity. This version additionally allows to use query parameters, to adjust retrieved instances (eg. limit their number).

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • queryParams – parameters to use, retrieving the instances
  • <T> – entity class

collection of instances, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> T findOne(Class<T> entityClass, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves and executes single-return lookup for the given entity class, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity. It will also throw org.motechproject.mds.exception.lookup.SingleResultFromLookupExpectedException in case lookup returns a collection of instances, rather than single instance.

  • entityClass – entity class
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • <T> – entity class

Single instance, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> T findOne(String entityClassName, String lookupName, Map<String, ?> lookupParams)

Retrieves and executes single-return lookup for the given entity class name, lookup name and parameters. It will fail, if lookup parameters do not match the parameters specified in the lookup or if the lookup of given name does not exist for the retrieved entity. It will also throw org.motechproject.mds.exception.lookup.SingleResultFromLookupExpectedException in case lookup returns a collection of instances, rather than single instance.

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • lookupName – name of the lookup from entity
  • lookupParams – parameters to use, when executing the lookup
  • <T> – entity class

Single instance, retrieved using given lookup criteria


<T> List<T> retrieveAll(Class<T> entityClass)

Retrieves all instances for the given entity class.

  • entityClass – entity class
  • <T> – entity class

a list of all instances for the given entity


<T> List<T> retrieveAll(String entityClassName)

Retrieves all instances for the given entity class name.

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • <T> – entity class

a list of all instances for the given entity


<T> List<T> retrieveAll(Class<T> entityClass, QueryParams queryParams)

Retrieves all instances for the given entity class name. This version additionally allows to use query parameters, to adjust retrieved instances (eg. limit their number).

  • entityClass – entity class
  • <T> – entity class

a list of all instances for the given entity


<T> List<T> retrieveAll(String entityClassName, QueryParams queryParams)

Retrieves all instances for the given entity class name. This version additionally allows to use query parameters, to adjust retrieved instances (eg. limit their number).

  • entityClassName – entity class name
  • <T> – entity class

a list of all instances for the given entity